Congratulations Janine and Zach...
June 9, 2007
I love you guys...
We, as an American society, are bombared with these claims and lucrative offers on a daily basis. Its when you open a website or flick on the tv. Love... its sad to say, but it has become a multi-million dollar industry. From match making websites to best selling books, even to the very drastic mail-order brides, corporations and individuals alike are banking off of our greatest emotion - love.
I was checking my e-mail one day and I find this article on yahoo.com ... "5 Secrets You Should Never Tell Your Partner." HUH?! I'm sorry, but I don't think you should keep any secrets from you partner. Wouldn't that just lead to trouble? I've never seen keeping secrets benefit any relationship. This is when I started to realize what a sham all these books and talk shows that offer relationship advice are. Those books and tv relationship gurus are only there to screw you up more. Duh! How would they make their money if you didn't keep coming back from more advice?
Its so sad where people look these days for love... websites, match making services, bars... We have to remember who the ultimate match maker is ... GOD. If you are highly against this idea I suggest you read no further. But, if you do believe in it or are just interested in what this 22-year old, head-over-heels in love Christian has to say, read on my friend, read on...
I truely believe God makes one person for everyone. That's not the question. Its just a question of when he will bring that person into your life. I can tell you in my life... it didn't happen when I wanted it too, but it def. did end up happening... when God wanted it to and when I least expected it... God made us to love Him and to love each other. He made Eve for Adam so he wouldn't be lonely. God knows our hearts desires... and if one of your desires is to find someone to love (like mine was) as long as we are living for God - he's gunna provide... no doubt ;) .
Ok, so you don't believe in God? So let's look at the facts ... STATISTICAL FACTS, scientific evidence. I was listening to The Word FM (103.5 out of Center Valley, Pa), listening to Reverend Schuller (of Laguna Beach, Ca.) and here's what he presented ... 50% of all marriages end in divorce. ONE IN TWO. For couples who attend church regularly its 1 in 50. For couples with an active prayer life the number drops down to 1 in 1,000. Ok, so don't want to take a pastor's found statistical data? Check out the June issue of Women's Health magazine (published by Rodale, Inc.). Flip to page 125 ... "Find God. Having a religious affliation decreases your odds of divorce by up to 19 percent."
Chew on that one for awhile...
So in a crazy world just trying to bank off of your relationship problems... look to someone who knows it all and who already has your love story written.
Congratulation to the new Mr. and Mrs. Coble... two of my friends who love Jesus with all their hearts...
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